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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Next tag team competition will be on 27 th march 2010 .
Teams will be form in this arrangement .
Team A : Zac , Ryan and Javier.
Team B : Weiming , Dillon And me ;D

Good Luck to both teams.

Jo signing off . ;DD

3:49 AM | back to top

Friday, February 26, 2010

Please Take Note ! =>

DuelMaster tag team competition has postponed to 5th March (Friday) 2010 .

=>> Dillon , Niantong and Roy Signing off .

9:35 PM | back to top

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

friday (25/2) will be tag team competition .
7.30 pm at 432 void deck .
Please be punctual :D
Roy signing off :D

12:45 AM | back to top


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